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Perfect Example Why the EHRC Must be Scrapped

  • Written by Roberto Castiglioni

Srap the EHRCReaders of this website may be aware I am strongly opinionated about inefficiencies of Equality and Human Rights Commission. I make no secret of my utter disappointment on their performance on behalf of disabled passengers; I have personally experienced twice how shallow and inconclusive is their help.


The other day, a reader emailed me a link to the horrific experience of RIH, a 63year old Stroke Survivor. Having booked his assistance via his tour operator, RIH made his way to Manchester Airport sure this would be the start of a hassle-free holiday. Instead, He abandoned by Manchester Airport assistance staff on two separate occasions.


"I think it is a bit of a poor do we have the Equality & Human Rights Commission who are the body responsible for ensuring that Airports look after the disabled when travelling and can take them to task but when it comes to the final push they leave one to go it alone so I have had to spend £108 yesterday to issue a summons," RHI wrote in his complaint published on:"I had a brilliant lady help me at the Equality & Human Rights Commission but she could do no more so I was left to fend for myself". 


As I was reading this poor man's story, memories started surfacing. I too had to fight an uphill battle to get through the alleged complaint managing body known as Equality and Human Rights Commission. I too had to wait endlessly and then try to go on my own. In my case, the final twist was the cherry on whipped cream. One month after recourse terms had expired I got a call from a person of the EHRC. She said they were unable to assist further. The reason: the complaint was on behalf of a child and they could not represent a child!


So these guys, who spent millions to ensure people from every walk of life can become members of the BNP, denied relief to a disabled child because ... he is a child. Talking about racism!

The Government must scrap this pointless quango, the sooner the better. The Government must ensure EU1107/2006 is enforceable today, not sometime in 2012.


Notes and Credits


RHI quote is taken from:




"Thank you so much for the expert advice; your knowledge, support and expertise was immensely helpful."

Elaine Burns

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