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Except for air travel, the rights of people with reduced mobility and disability are sanctioned in the Equality Act 2010.


The extensive list of rights of disabled people is available on Directgov - public services all in one place (opens a new window). Please note: Reduced Mobility Rights Limited is not endorsed, approved, or associated in any way, shape or form with Directgov. The link to Directgov is for information purpose only and is in compliance with the linking policy of Directgov. 


As we have seen in other sections of this site, the travel rights of disabled people fall within the scope of other regulations, and their applicability depends where the disabled traveler is going.


When traveling from and to the United States of America, disabled travelers' rights protection is guaranteed by U.S. DoT 14 CFR Part 382. 


Because of enforcement issues in relation to EU Reg.1107/2006, the Equality Act 2010 may provide air travellers limited legal recourse on the basis of discrimination.


In particular, the Equality Act 2010, c. 15, Part 2, Chapter 2, Discrimination, Section 15 (Discrimination arising from disability) states that:


(1)A person (A) discriminates against a disabled person (B) if—


(a)A treats B unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of B's disability, and


(b)A cannot show that the treatment is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. 


This article may apply to problems with services and assistance people with reduced mobility may encounter within the airport terminal building. 


Proving discrimination may be a tough exercise. We can provide free, independent tips on how to take your first steps in the process; however, we strongly recommend seeking legal advice from a solicitor should one want to pursue the matter in a court of law.


In the following pages we list detailed information about the laws protecting disabled air travel rights, U.S. DoT 14 CFR Part 382 and EU Reg.1107/2006.




Reduced Mobility Rights were hugely supportive with regard to travel with my scooter. Received call from airlines customer relations within 24 hours..sorted! Thank you

Jeannie Stirling

Company Info

Reduced Mobility Rights Limited
Registered in England and Wales.
Company No : 07748812
9 Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue, London
United Kingdom, SW19 2RR
Phone: +44.(0)7786.993741



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