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Air Canada Rouge fined $90.000 on customer care issues

  • Written by George Sensalis

The US Department of Transportation fined low cost carrier Air Canada Rouge $90.000 for failing to meet customer care contingency plan rules.


Airlines operating flights from, to, and within the United States must have a plan to help passengers when flight irregularities like flight diversions, cancellations or lengthy tarmac delays happen.


The rule states carriers must give passengers notification about the status of delays every 30 minutes while the plane is delayed, including reasons for delay when known. Airlines must give passengers the opportunity to deplane if the plane is at the gate or another disembarkation area with doors open.


Airlines must give passengers with disabilities dignified, professional and polite service and proper accommodations at all times, including during lengthy tarmac delays. Carriers must make every reasonable effort to make sure that essential needs of passengers are met like access to food, water, restroom facilities, and basic medical support.

Air Canada rouge promise to be a new way to vacation. The upbeat airline’s spirit should make customers appreciate they have never flown leisure like this before. 


The DOT found Air Canada Rouge didn’t adhere to the assurances in its contingency plan for lengthy tarmac delays that the carrier must have in place. Air Canada also did not guarantee it would not allow a plane to stay on the tarmac for over four hours before allowing passengers an opportunity to deplane.


The Department of Transportation found Air Canada Rouge would not provide customers with food and water within two hours after the plane left the gate during a tarmac delay and would not have enough resources to carry out the carrier’s tarmac delay contingency plan.


Air Canada Rouge said the airline is introducing changes to its procedures to meet customer care contingency plans rules. 



We had an insulting and physically damaging experience on board an international flight. We approached Reduced Mobility Rights and received support to reach a resolution.

Michael and Sara Heymann

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Company No : 07748812
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