PRM Travel: Bristol Airport Revamps Website
- Written by Roberto Castiglioni
The Bristol Airport managing company recently launched a revised version of the section of its website dedicated to information for disabled passengers.
Bristol Airport website was the first airport site to fail our review of UK airports websites in September 2011. The old version of the website did not meet any of the criteria set out in Reduced Mobility Rights' "Airport Website Gold Standard".
"Our web site team will be taking a look through the comments and suggestions made in your review and rest assured we will be working to ensure the information provided meets the needs of passengers with reduced mobility," James Gore, head of Communications of Bristol Airport said.
True to his word, the website team did a fantastic job, which is now live and available to the public.
PRMs and disabled passengers can now find complete information on the Bristol Airport website. Most important, direct access is now available to the special assistance service provider OCS.
The service provider also allows disabled passengers to book services directly. "At Bristol Airport, persons with reduced mobility will be able to request assistance direct through our web booking facility," reminds the OCS website.
As always, I recommend travellers to note down the phone number of the airport's provider of special assistance. It may come in handy should any issue arise during the passenger's movement through the airport. The direct number for OCS at Bristol Airport is 01275 473403.